Military, VA, & First Responders

Military, VA, & First Responders

澳门新葡京网站很荣幸地提供以下奖学金, services, 对那些为国家和社区服务的人给予折扣.

CIU Military Scholarship

澳门新葡京网站招收现役军人, veterans, 及其符合条件的配偶以军事奖学金的形式获得教育福利. 该奖学金适用于在线本科学生, residential and online graduate students, 符合条件且学术成绩良好的博士生. 住宿本科生和能力基础课程(CBTE)的学生不符合条件. 一旦学生被认为符合条件并注册了本学期的课程,奖学金将由经济援助办公室颁发. Other discounts or scholarships cannot be applied.

Scholarship Amounts

  • Online Undergraduate Students
    • Up to $2,500 per semester (3 semesters per year)
  • Graduate Students (MA, MDIV, or MED)
    • Up to $2,500 per semester (3 semesters per year)
  • Non-Standard Graduate Students (MBA or MOL)
    • Up to $3,500.00 per semester (2 semesters per year)
  • Doctoral Students
    • Up to $1,500.00 per semester (3 semesters per year)

Required Military Documentation

  • Service Members & Veterans (Submit one of the following):
    • Valid DD-214 or NGB-22 showing honorable discharge
    • End of the Month LES (within the last 3 months)
    • Most recent set of orders (within the last year)
    • 退伍或退休证明,显示光荣退伍
    • 由指挥官在正式信笺上签名并注明日期的信,信中包含军种, current status, and rank.
      • or
    • 退伍军人事务部服务信,显示光荣退伍(如适用)
  • Military Spouses
    • 上述清单中所要求的军事文件之一
      • and
    • A copy of your Marriage License/Certificate



Military Transfer

CIU一直被评为美国最适合军事的高等学府之一,我们为此感到自豪. 军事转学申请者与非转学学生填写相同的申请. 学分是根据军队的官方成绩单授予的. ACE recommendation must be submitted for the course. 军事学分由ACE指定为高级或低级.

Courses Eligible for College Transfer

In order to receive full credit for a course, 该课程必须在由地区认证组织认可或具有候选人资格的学院/大学完成, ABHE, TRACS, 或美国教育委员会(USDE)认可的其他认证机构. Courses must be submitted on an official transcript. Courses must be college-level. The student must have an earned grade of C or above. (注:评级为S或P并不构成C或以上.两小时的课程可以满足三小时课程的要求, but the student must make up the additional hour.

Courses Eligible for Graduate-Level Transfer

Courses must be earned at the master’s level. 学士水平的课程可能只满足先决条件. 课程必须在获得认可的机构学习,成绩必须达到C或以上. 课程必须适合你在CIU的专业选择.

Complex Transfer Situations

Decisions are made by the associate provost. 在研究生阶段,决定由每个学院的教务长做出.

Transfer Policies PDF Download

Download a PDF of CIU’s transfer policy.

Military Tuition Assistance (TA)

军事学费援助计划(TA)适用于现役军人, 国民警卫队和后备役队员. All four branches and the U.S. Coast Guard offer financial assistance. 学费援助计划可用于资助您的大学学费和以下限制的某些费用:

  • Not to exceed $250 per semester credit hour
  • Not to exceed $4,500 per fiscal year, Oct. 1 through Sept. 30


  • Undergraduate programs
  • Distance-learning programs
  • Independent study
  • Graduate programs

欲了解更多信息或了解如何申请此福利,请访问 Military Tuition Assistance page 在Military OneSource网站上,并与你的教育服务官员交谈. 你也可以下载下面的军事学费援助信息PDF,了解更多关于在CIU申请和使用这项福利的详细信息.

Military Tuition Assistance (TA) Resources:

Military Tuition Assistance Info.pdf

Return of Unearned Tuition Assistance Funds Policy

VA Education Benefits

Program-eligible veterans, their spouses, 孩子们可以使用退伍军人管理局的教育福利来帮助支付CIU的学费. 有关在CIU使用退伍军人福利的更多信息,请访问我们的退伍军人教育福利页面 here.

First Responders Discount

全职雇员或志愿急救人员, firefighters, sheriffs, police, 在澳门新葡京网站(Columbia International University)注册在线课程的学生将获得:

Tuition Savings -利用学费减免的优势来获得学位-全日制学习每学期500美元折扣,非全日制学习每学期250美元折扣.

Visit our First Responders page to learn more.


CIU Financial Aid Contact:


Laura McCall

Associate Director for Online Financial Aid & Military Benefits
